Sunday, June 23, 2019

What is Management ? Evolution of management thoughts.


Management is the art of getting the things done through peoples..

Evolution of Management Thoughts 

"The conventional definition of management is getting work done through peoples , real management is developing people through work.   By AGHA HASAN ABEDI


Management has developed and grown in leaps and bounds from a nearly insignificant topic in the previous centuries.  Management has evolved into a powerful and innovation force on which our  society depends for material support  and national well being. 
                       In recent times, management has become a more scientific discipline having certain standardised principles and practices.

The following iska breakdown of the evolution of management thoughts during  its development period. 

  • Early management approaches which are represented by scientific management, the administrative management theory and the human relations movement. 
  • Modern management approaches which are represented  scientific management, the administrative /management science approach, the systems approach and the contingency approach. 


Management is as old as human society, since men started  their social living, there has been a need for management to do any group work. In fact the concept of management developed. Out of experience and evolved out of practical complexity. 
                     With the separation of management from ownership ,owning tobthe growth of joint stock companies,and with the advancement of technical knowledge, people increasingly realized the need for development of managerial knowledge. 
                    A manager has to think and act through planning ,organizating ,directing  and controlling.  He has to take decisions which means he has to build a pattern of judgement.  
         The approaches to management have been different at different times. The first approach or Traditional approach was based on the principle of rule of thumb and guesswork. 

The term "Management "means getting the things done through other peoples.

It is an art of managing peoples and observed them carefully. 
                             The result of management depends upon various skills of manager like:-attitude,behavior and characteristic
Depending upon the situation and circumstance management skill practice differ .The art of manager is essential to make the best use of managing peoples. 


Management can be regarded as a science because it has developed certain  principle which are universal applicable and management is an art because the results of management depends upon various skills of manager like, attitude, behavior and characteristic. Depending upon the situation and circumstances management skills practices differ that's why it is regarded as an art, so the art of the manager is essential to make the best use of management science. After analysing the various aspects of the management, we may come to the conclusion that management is both art as well as science. Management is not pure art and not pure science. It is social science.

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